deVere operates a robust Conflicts of Interest Policy ("The Policy") and makes disclosures in accordance with various legal and regulatory requirements. The Policy is subject to change from time to time and may change without notice. Keep checking this website in order to be aware of any changes to The Policy.

The Policy includes the following disclosures:

  1. Any personal interest of officers/directors in securities recommended by deVere.
  2. Details regarding any directorships or other material relationships of officers/directors of deVere with companies and investments deVere may recommend.

The following policies are strictly prohibited and apply to all deVere personnel:

  1. All personnel are prohibited from handling client monies.
  2. Financial advisory staff are prohibited from managing client accounts on a discretionary basis.

deVere, in accordance with The Policy, makes the following disclosure:

deVere provides advice in relation to financial products offered by dVAM Consultancy Limited, a related company part of deVere Group. deVere and its employees do not receive incentives or non-monetary remuneration from dVAM Consultancy Limited.

IVCM Trustees (NZ) Limited (IVCM) has a relationship with Nigel Green, the CEO and founder of deVere Group. Nigel is a shareholder in this company. However, neither deVere NZ nor our financial advisers receive any additional commission, payment, or other financial benefit from IVCM or the deVere Group if you invest in any of their funds. Any fees paid by you out of your investments through dVAM or IVCM (as a product provider) are disclosed as we would with our other product providers.

Speak to your adviser for further information.